Tag Archives: Neighbors

Walking the Walk and Bouncing the Bounce

27 Aug

This morning I really had to walk the walk after talking the talk on Friday. In the last hour I have really had to focus on those positives of working downtown. It’s raining and Randall broke my umbrella a week ago, so I am rocking the drowned rat this morning, with both hairstyle and makeup completely gone:

I called in breakfast on my way in (see, a perk of downtown!) asking for two eggs over medium and two slices of whole wheat toast, no butter (280 cals for those playing along at home.) I got to the restaurant and the server greeted me with a, “Did you forget your umbrella???” It took a lot not to respond in some sarcastic way about allowing the rain to soak me getting me closer to nature and the mystical chi or something but I chose the karma high road and laughed it off. I got my food and headed into work only to open the container to see eggs that were barely over easy. In an effort to accurately document my morning, I took a picture of those too but just looking at the goopy, raw egg whites in the picture made me gag, so I decided to spare you.

Either way, I am dryly ensconced in my office now, so onward and upward to the normal Monday happenings.

The details:

  • Weight loss goal #1 – 25 lbs lost (goal set 8/13)
  • Weight loss this week – 1.5 lbs
  • Progress to date: 3.5 lbs lost
  • Pounds to go: 21.5
  • Overall weight loss goal: 50lbs
  • Pounds to go: 46.5

This week was much better than last week on both the food and workout fronts. I was able to stick to my calorie goal most days and not completely blow it out on the days when I didn’t. I also got in four exercise sessions, two traditional by taking in a couple of runs and two not so traditional by deep cleaning for hours yesterday and competing in the neighborhood challenge involving the monster below on Saturday:

Image Credit

I realize some back story is probably needed here. have a really awesome neighborhood. We have a close knit group of about 20 neighbors (including kids) and tend to hang out quite a bit. Saturday was the 7th birthday party of one of the kids and the entire neighborhood was headed to a local indoor inflatable park. Over entirely too many drinks on Friday night it was decided that there would be a neighborhood challenge between the adults for ultimate jumping champion. Having been there before, one dad suggested we use the inflatable above for our challenge. While this looks like child’s play with it’s fun colors and bouncy nature, don’t be fooled. This is the best cardio workout of your life when combined with the need to pulverize your neighbors in competition. There are climbing walls and things to crawl under, over, through and around all while wearing only socks and on a completely unstable inflated raft thing. Having to dodge children added to the challenge. 🙂

I am sad to say that I was not crowned neighborhood jumping champion. I did however make it through five heats, so I feel like I accomplished something and seriously thought I might die after the fifth time through in half an hour. My lungs were screaming and my heart was racing, so while maybe it wasn’t traditional cardio I’m still calling it a damn good workout.

Checking in with the goals from last week:

  1. Stick to a calorie intake of 1200-1300 on days when I do not workout, adjust for calories burned during workouts on days that I do.
  2. Get in some form of workout at least four times this week.
  3. Dinner out limited to three times max this week.

Unfortunately three was a bust this week as we ate at a restaurant probably five or six times. The other two went very well though, so this week is a solid B-. The goals for next week are the same:

  1. Stick to a calorie intake of 1200-1300 on days when I do not workout, adjust for calories burned during workouts on days that I do.
  2. Get in some form of workout at least four times this week.
  3. Dinner out limited to three times max this week.

My workout partner in crime came back from her cruise vacation on Saturday, so I am looking forward to getting in some more runs and some gym time. We also have to paint her bedroom sometime this week…so I’ll make sure to paint vigorously for max calorie burn.

Until next time…have a good week!